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Business tip: Waste no time with WalkAway


Business tip: Waste no time with WalkAway

By December 22nd, 2022No Comments

The Hunter Revolution TCRH sets the industry standard when it comes to tyre changing equipment thanks to its ground-breaking WalkAway mode, which allows technicians to utilise their time elsewhere, while the automated system takes care of the rest!

Its unique WalkAway feature delivers 80 seconds of unattended bead breaking and demounting time, allowing the operator to focus on other tasks such as wheel balancing, which when paired with the Hunter Revolution TCRH can reduce a four-tyre changeover by more than 25 per cent.

What sets the Revolution TCRH apart from more traditional tyre changers, is the number of decisions the user has to make. When changing a tyre on a conventional system the user has to make at least 17 critical decisions to avoid damaging the wheel, the tyre, the TPMS sensor or themselves. The Revolution TCRH only requires the user to make four, while the automated operation takes care of the rest and ultimately prevents unnecessary damage, allowing your business to utilise your time more efficiently.

To find out how the Revolution TCRH can help your business complete a four-tyre change over more efficiently, ultimately saving you time and money, give us a call on 01327 323007.