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Introducing our OEM Approved Mercedes-Benz systems

Our Products

  • The HTA-MB-TD Mercedes Wheel Aligner

    The HTA-MB-TD Mercedes Wheel Aligner

    The Hunter HTA-MB-TD uses award-winning software to power superior wheel alignment.

  • HTA-MB-HD Commercial Wheel Aligner

    HTA-MB-HD Commercial Wheel Aligner

    The only piece of wheel alignment equipment to measure three axles simultaneously.

  • The RFEMBE Road Force Balancer

    The RFEMBE Road Force Balancer

    Hunter’s impressive RFEMBE Road Force is the fastest wheel balancer in the world.

  • The MB Revolution

    The MB Revolution

    The MB Revolution uses smart technology to fully automate the tyre changing process.

  • The MB Auto34R

    The MB Auto34R

    Offering unmatched capability, this is an essential tyre changer for busy service centres.
