The BMW KDS II Elite Wheel Aligner

The BMW KDS II is a clear leader in imaging alignment technology and superior wheel alignment servicing. Delivering fast measurement times, with accurate, repeatable results, and award-winning software which makes it easy to use.

The BMW wheel alignment service opens the door to a new revenue stream for your workshop. Low cost of ownership, life longevity, significant time and labour saving plus rapid return on investment makes the KDS II the must-have wheel alignment equipment. Maximise your business productivity and profitability. With a BMW KDS II alignment bay, you can redefine your customer's experience, build future trust and transform your business.

01327 323 007

The BMW KDS II Elite is one of the most powerful wheel alignment systems on the market.

Product Overview

The BMW KDS II is the most powerful wheel aligner available to workshops today. Four precision cameras take live readings of the position and orientation of the 3D targets, mounted to each wheel using Hunter’s patented QuickGrip® adaptors.

The one-click fit QuickGrip adaptors and 3D targets are robust and lightweight with spring-loaded arms that grip the tyre, avoiding metal-to-metal contact and therefore eliminating rim damage. KDS II's accelerated setup and service delivery enable alignment results in under 70 seconds. Present the results with Hunter printouts in graphical, technical or interactive email formats.

BMWs alignment service uses top tier data, features, and software, helping the vehicle driver make transparent and informed repair decisions. It takes workshop alignment servicing and business management to a whole new level.

With a wide range of configurations available, there is a Hunter BMW KDS II to fit the needs of your workshop.


Why invest in the Hunter BMW KDS II?

, BMW Elite TD – hotspots
QuickGrip Wheel Adapter and TD Target

Lightweight, one-click fit adaptors save time with rapid set-up and results in 70 seconds. No metal-to-metal contact avoids rim damage.

HunterNet Integration

Alignment data and results readily available to technicians, service reception and management. Alignment results emailable to customers 24/7.

WinAlign Software

Streamlines the measurement and adjustment procedure to achieve a straight steering wheel every time.

Four High-resolution Cameras

Cameras take constant live readings with pin-point accuracy.

Advanced Graphical and Technical Printouts

Easy to understand printouts build customer trust and help you sell more alignments.

Multiple Configurations

A choice of set-ups that fit the majority of workshops.