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Benefits of Wheel Balancing

Wheel balancing refers to the process of equalising the weight distribution around a car’s wheels and tyres. When a wheel is unbalanced, it can cause a variety of issues, including discomfort while driving and a reduced tyre lifespan. To rectify this, a technician will use specialised equipment to determine any imbalances and apply small counterweights to ensure even weight distribution. 

Wheel balancing is an important part of vehicle maintenance, and shouldn’t be overlooked. In this article, we’ll discuss the main advantages of wheel balancing, and why you should regularly get them checked.

, Benefits of Wheel Balancing10 Advantages of Wheel Balancing 

1. Smooth Ride 

One of the main benefits of wheel balancing is that you’ll experience a much smoother ride. When the balance of your tyres is disrupted, you may detect vibrations in your vehicle, which is especially noticeable at higher speeds. If this is something you’re encountering, it’s a sure sign you need to get your wheels balanced. Balancing your wheels will reduce or eliminate the vibrations entirely.

2. Tyre Longevity 

Unbalanced wheels can also reduce the life of your tyres. When tyres lack balance, the resulting vibrations and uneven tread wear accelerate their deterioration, shortening their lifespan significantly. Therefore, balanced wheels can extend the life of your tyres, sparing you significant long-term costs on purchasing replacements.

3. Enhanced Safety 

The most important advantage of wheel balancing is that it can improve the safety of your vehicle. Unbalanced wheels can develop uneven tread wear, which can make it difficult to control your vehicle’s steering (particularly at high speeds). Regular maintenance such as wheel balancing can help to ensure your vehicle performs at its best, and reduces the risk of an accident.

4. Preserves Suspension 

Wheel balancing isn’t just about a smooth ride, it also affects your vehicle’s suspension. The vibrations that come from imbalanced tyres worsen gradually, putting strain on your suspension system. Addressing these imbalances straight away is vital, ensuring not only a smoother drive but also the long-term health of your suspension.

5. Fuel Efficiency 

Wheel balancing also contributes to fuel efficiency by reducing rolling resistance. When a wheel is unbalanced, it doesn’t rotate smoothly. This irregular rotation creates friction between the tyre and the road surface, causing the engine to work harder to maintain speed. By balancing the wheels, you ensure even weight distribution, allowing the tyres to roll more smoothly. This reduces the energy needed to move the vehicle, improving fuel efficiency.

6. Cost Savings 

As mentioned previously, wheel balancing services can save you on long-term expenses. The upfront cost of wheel balancing is a small investment compared to the potential savings in tyre replacement, maintenance, fuel efficiency, and preventing damage to other vehicle parts over the lifespan of your car.

7. Improved Handling 

Wheel balancing is fundamental for maintaining optimal handling of a vehicle, providing a safer and more predictable driving experience, particularly during manoeuvres or when faced with varying road conditions. 

8. Reduced Vibrations 

As we touched on previously, wheel balancing plays a crucial role in reducing vibrations experienced while driving. When tyres are imbalanced, uneven weight distribution causes the wheel to wobble, resulting in vibrations that travel through the vehicle. By equalising the weight around each wheel and tyre combination, wheel balancing minimises these irregular movements. This ensures a smoother rotation, reducing the vibrations for the driver, leading to a more enjoyable and stable driving experience.

9. Prevents Wear of Components 

Wheel balancing can also help the wear on various other vehicle components as well. When wheels are imbalanced, they can cause uneven stress on other parts of the vehicle, including the suspension, shocks, and bearings. This irregular pressure can lead to accelerated wear and tear, reducing their lifespan. However, wheel balancing can minimise strain on these crucial parts, and as a result, it can maintain their durability.

10. Improved Appearance 

Although wheel balancing may not directly impact a car’s visual appearance, it can help your vehicle to look more polished and well-maintained. Additionally, when a car operates smoothly without noticeable vibrations or wobbling, it can give the impression of a well-kept vehicle, making it more visually appealing.

How Often Should You Get Your Wheels Balanced? 

It’s recommended to get your wheels balanced every 7,000 miles (or whatever is recommended by your manufacturer). This will therefore ensure the smooth driving and safety of your vehicle.

Wheel Balancing at Pro-Align 

We’ve discussed the benefits of wheel alignment, and why it’s an essential part of car maintenance. At Pro-Align, we offer a variety of high-quality wheel balancing products, including the Hunter Road Force Elite and the Hunter SmartWeight Pro. Contact us today for more information, and see how we can help.