West End Garage, a Skoda dealer in Edinburgh, had previously subcontracted out all of its wheel alignment work, this wasn’t a particularly profitable or efficient arrangement. However, group aftersales manager, Graham Watson visited another nearby dealership to view the capabilities of the Hunter HawkEye Elite TD; he was immediately captivated by its possibilities.
“When I saw the system in use, I could immediately see what amazing potential it had. Shortly afterwards, we saw it again at the Skoda dealer conference at Celtic Manor, and this sealed the deal for us.” Two years on and Graham’s enthusiasm for the system hasn’t waned at all. If anything, it’s only strengthened his opinion.“It’s a fantastic bit of kit, and quite simply, I can’t rave about it enough!” he adds.

While wheel alignment only used to be of interest for warranty work, the business now incorporates a Quick Check on every single vehicle coming into the workshop – even it’s just for a replacement bulb. “The system is so easy to use. It’s dead, dead simple and uber reliable. We provide a Quick Check free of charge, and even if nothing shows up, it’s a great customer service tool. However, typically the Quick Check shows an alignment issue with around 70 – 75% of cars, and we then manage to convert around 60% of these into paying business, so it’s very lucrative. The additional bonus is that we can then do things like track rod ends and replacement tyres, so there are plenty of upsell opportunities too.”
As the only dealer in Scotland which has the additional capability of ACC control boards, the system is helping the dealership attract business from as far afield as Carlisle. Indeed the ACC functionality helps generate additional Bodyshop and windscreen work as well as wheel alignment work.
“I’d estimate that we generate around an extra £210 per day because of the system. If any other dealers are considering buying the system just so they can tick a box and meet their brand standards audit, you’re missing the point. It’s a fantastic bit of kit that can make you money. I can’t praise it enough!”